How to Design a Beautiful & Productive Home Office


A quiet and ORGANIZED space where productivity can happen. An office that is clean and professional looking for all those ZOOM meetings. A quiet RETREAT away from the household noise of the kids who are "virtually" back to school.

In the world we are living in there are a lot of unknowns. We have all done a bit of "adjusting" over the last 4 months, and as we head into what is looking like a virtual school year for the kids, and more time working from home for us, we want to make sure we create a space that we can be successful in. You need a quiet and organized space that looks professional. A place to keep all of our files organized and hold Zoom meetings online while social distancing.


1. Splurge on Supportive Quality Seating

A high-quality office chair is an important investment. It might not be something you think about, but the importance of the right office chair is both short-term and long-term.

A comfortable office chair keeps you feeling alert, looking professional, and staying focused on the task at hand. It also allows for better neck and back health as we spend 6 to 8 hours a day in an office chair.


2. Work Surfaces that... Work

The right desk is also important. Things to consider when selecting a desk are the work surface and height. Is the desk too tall, or too short? Are you hunched over the desk because it is too low? Or is the edge of the desk pressing into your wrists because it is too tall?

You will also want to consider whether a standing desk might be a better option for you. Is the desk top surface easy to clean? Does your mouse slide easily across it?


3. Sort & Systematize File Storage

A clutter-free workspace is of the utmost importance in today's world! Working from home is already a bit of a challenge. Having to dig through piles of paperwork and files to find the document you're looking for is going to cause even more frustration and slow your productivity down.

Having a pre-determined and organized file storage system will keep your workspace clean, which will provide you with peace of mind and keep you focused! 

A normal filing cabinet may be a great option for you. If that isn't feasible, you can look on Amazon and find a variety of temporary and portable storage options for files! Anything from plastic storage containers to desktop metal divider racks and expandable document dividers. Investing in something to keep you organized will save you time and money down the road.


4. Leverage Lighting and Desk Locations

Having great lighting is important. Good lighting can help you stay focused and keep you in a positive and alert mood. Natural lighting is always a great thing to have, but not always feasible, especially in these desperate times where our "home office" really might be a desk shoved in the corner of a room or closet!

Harsh fluorescent lighting or very dim lighting is draining on your eyes and can cause headaches/migraines. A dark office is depressing and gloomy and can put you in a bad mood.

If you have the luxury of having natural light, consider how the light comes into the room and place your desk in an optimal location to take advantage of the beautiful natural light. It is best to have natural light in front of, or next to your workspace.

A classic desktop lamp with a flexible arm that can adjust height/angle is always a safe bet and can help brighten up the workspace.

Ambient lighting is a great way to counteract the intense use of your eyes staring at your computer for long hours. The ambient light will help soften harsher lighting from overhead lights and is a great combination to use with desktop lighting.


5. Select Soft Surfaces to Absorb Sound

A home office can still be noisy, especially while the rest of the family is home too! Consider incorporating some softer elements into your workspace to absorb sound. Adding softness also is a great way to help with the "echo-filled" video calls! Adding a rug, soft chair, pillows, curtains/drapery, and plants can all help to reduce the noise.


6. Beautiful Backdrops (for those Video Calls!)

Nowadays, we are all spending a lot of time on video calls such as Zoom or Facetime. Creating a background that is clean and professional-looking is extremely important. We suggest keeping the area behind your desk free from things that tend to look "cluttery", like filing cabinets and printers.

Items like bulletin boards and dry erase boards should also be placed elsewhere so that private information isn't sitting readily available on your Zoom screen background. A well-styled/decorated bookshelf, a nice plant/tree, and some piece of abstract artwork placed behind the desk will help you set up the perfect background for your Zoom calls.

Having great lighting that shines from BEHIND your computer monitor will also help you look more professional and alert for all those video calls.


7. Sentimental Décor Sure to Bring Smiles

Think about how much time we spend in our home offices! If you are working from home, chances are you are spending 6 to 8 hours a day, sometimes more, in this space!

Your home office shouldn't just be about function, it should also be a space that keeps you happy. Consider adding elements that make you smile and put you in a good mood. This could be family photos, inspiring artwork and sayings, some happy plants, or maybe a small aquarium with a beta fish friend to keep you company during those long work days!


No matter where your "home office" ends up being, it is important to create a space that fits your needs! A space that offers a quiet, organized place to work that allows you to be professional and productive.

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