5 Easy Ways to Organize Your Kitchen this Holiday Season


Like all things in 2020, Thanksgiving might look a little different this year… 

You may be looking at attending a smaller gathering, or perhaps hosting a more intimate dinner with your immediate family. Perhaps you will participate in a large Zoom group with family from all over who are individually hosting Thanksgiving dinners in their homes with just their core family members.  

Regardless of how your Thanksgiving dinner is altered by the course of 2020, it is still important to take the time to celebrate, probably even more so this year, and we want to make sure you are organized and prepared for the holiday season that awaits! 


Thanksgiving is a time to gather with those we love and be thankful for the time shared together. Whether your Thanksgiving preparations are for 25 people or your family of four, a luxurious feast with all the trimmings is still a must. Preparing a Thanksgiving meal can be stressful regardless of the number of people. 

While we all love gathering around a table and sharing a wonderful meal with loved ones, we know that the preparation for the actual event calls for a long, exhausting day of cooking and cleaning. So, here are 5 tips on kitchen organization that will help you simplify your Thanksgiving meal prep and reduce stress...and maybe even add some joy to the process! 


1. Clear the Countertops

We have all experienced it...the random kitchen appliances, the pile of unopened mail, or the group of cereal boxes that don't quite fit in the cupboard, all taking up precious counter space.  

When preparing a large meal, utilizing the counter space you do have is going to simplify everything!  

Find homes INSIDE the cabinet for those random appliances you only use here and there. Sort through that pile of junk mail and toss what you don't need. Look at purchasing storage containers that DO fit inside your cupboards and store your cereal inside of those instead of the boxes they came in.  

Having a clean kitchen with a lot of surface space will reduce your stress level from the beginning! 


2. Sort and Store Spices

We all have that one cupboard...stocked full of every spice imaginable! We open it and rummage around, pulling out jar after jar, hoping to come across the one we need.

On a holiday like Thanksgiving, when you are surely using tons of different spices to prepare all of your family favorites, it can save a ton of time and frustration to get those spices in order prior to the holiday.

Look at purchasing some spice rack storage items such as plastic trays that slide in/out of the cupboard so you can easily find what you're looking for. Or you could use a lazy susan so that you can quickly spin right to what you need.

Take a few minutes to either, (1) alphabetize your spices so you can pinpoint exactly what you're looking for quickly, or (2) separate them into different categories such as sweet vs. savory.

Having your spice cabinet organized simplifies your meal prep by cutting down on time and frustration!


3. Pare Down the Pantry

As we head into the holiday season, take a few moments to clean out your pantry/cabinets. Remove non-essential items that have been hanging out and are never used.

This time of the year is a great time to donate to your local food banks! If the items are not expired and you have not used them, set aside a pile to donate!  Keep your eye out for expired items that need to be tossed too.

This will give you room to store the items you will be buying for your Thanksgiving feast and keep things more organized on prep day.


4. Setup Stove-Side Utensil Storage

Where do you store your utensils? Are they located next to the stove, or are they across the kitchen? How do you store your utensils? Are they organized so you can quickly grab exactly what you're looking for? Or is it a mess of tangled spoons, spatulas, and whisks?

Storing utensils next to the stove will provide you with the most efficient use of time and space. If they are organized in nice containers that divide the different types and make them easy to grab, it will eliminate a lot of stress when you're trying to find one quickly before you burn the gravy!

Having a decorative utensil holder next to the stove with a few of your "favorites" in it can be a great idea!


5. Pull Pots and Pans Out

Preparing a holiday meal often calls for special types of pots/pans that we don't use on a regular basis throughout the year. Use the time prior to the holiday to pull these pots/pans out of storage and clean them so that on turkey day, you are ready to cook!

No matter what Thanksgiving looks like for you and your loved ones this year, following these organizational tips can certainly help you save time and have a stress free day cooking your Thanksgiving feast! The bonus is, all of these tips can make everyday life seem a little more organized too!

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